Alcohol intake, age, and number of people you’ve had escorts sex with are thought to be the most common lies most people tell. Interesting, right? Having sex with escorts is one of the most intimate and bonding experiences adults can have. So why do so many people lie? Before you say, “I would never lie about having sex with an escort,” think again. Guys, it’s time to admit that everyone has lied at least once before, during, or after sex with an escort. Some lies are insignificant, but others can damage relationships and those involved, even if no one intended to.
Lies about taking birth control pills or fabrications like “I slept with someone else but I was on birth control” are not acceptable. These can hurt the other person not only physically but also mentally.
Think about it. If you go out during a relationship, get drunk, or sleep with a woman without a condom, you can infect not only yourself but also your partner. This is why most of you prefer escorts over meeting random people.
Anyway, as I said, not all lies are unforgivable. So here are the most common lies that women tell their partners before, during, and after escorts’ sex.
Boys Explode and Girls Forget
As I mentioned above, the number of people you have slept with is one of the most common lies people tell. As you all know, men usually say that they have had more partners, while women purposely forget some of their sexual encounters. In my opinion, this can only happen due to social pressure. If he has slept with a few women, he is not a “real man,” and if he has a lot of female partners, he is a “consenting man.” In any case, this cannot harm your partner unless the number of partners you have slept with is an issue. In this case, you may be thinking, “I want to break the deal.”
Sorry darling, I’m on my period!
I’m sure you’ve all heard these words before, and sometimes there is truth in them. But sometimes, women use this dirty lie to release their frustration. Why don’t they tell the truth? Well, friends, it’s easier that way. “I’m not in the mood right now” means that you can’t afford to provoke her during your period, but she might come a little late.
Sometimes, women are not sure if they want to sleep with you and try to delay the sexual moment by telling dirty but harmless lies. If she says, “I don’t know if I want to have escorts sex with you,” her conflicted feelings might be making you feel terrible, so it’s not such a bad lie after all.