Hot porn videos are huge. There are so many different sex videos to enjoy, and we all have the hot porn videos that we look up to on the hottest videos. We can’t help but be attracted to their sexy bodies, and while there are a lot of hot porn videos out there, we have a pretty good idea of what the average hot porn video looks like. In our heads, we have a pretty clear idea of the average hot porn video. We picture their hair, their body type, and even their name. We think we’ve seen enough hot porn videos to know what the average hot porn star looks like… but we’re wrong. Hot Porn Videos, a data journalist, decided to examine our assumptions about hot porn videos and what they look like. It also looks at their backgrounds and the bad things they do in the film. The analysis, which took six months to complete and examined over 10,000 porn videos, shows that we’re very wrong about what the average porn video looks like.
Our idea of the average hot porn video
When we think of hot porn videos, we might picture our sexy woman. We’ll think about the last video we saw, imagining all the sexy things they do with their bodies. If we don’t, we can start thinking about what we believe the average hot porn video looks like. Many people tend to imagine the same type of person. Think for a moment what a hot porn video looks like to you. I don’t know about you, but I imagine someone tall with blonde hair and big breasts to entertain and thrill us with videos. Hot porn videos revealed that people were thinking the same thing. He started asking people the following: “Without mental discussion, imagine the average hot female porn star. Just let it arise in your mind by seeing what it is. Can you see it?” Those he interviewed said similar things. They thought “blonde with big tits” was the best description, and I’m sure that’s what many of you feel too. Well, as Hot Porn Videos proudly tells us in its study, we were wrong.